Complete your Yappy Hour Sponsorship by Mail

2025 Yappy Hour Sponsorship

If you prefer to complete your sponsorship by mail, checks can be made out to MARL and mailed to the Michigan Animal Rescue League at 790 Featherstone, Pontiac, MI 48342. Please include this 2025 Yappy Hour Sponsor Form so we know your gift is a Yappy Hour sponsorship.

If you are submitting your sponsorship by mail please complete the form below to notify us of your intended gift. Please make sure every field marked with a * is completed.

Select your sponsorship level(Required)
Exactly as it should appear on event materials
Contact Name(Required)


Introducing MARL Comfort Crew

Fireworks can be stressful on dogs and cats. This year, we implemented a new program to help the animals at MARL feel safe and secure on nights when Independence Day fireworks were expected.  Introducing The MARL Comfort... Read More