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Yappy Hour may be all about the dogs, but we haven’t forgotten about the cats! Join TEAM CAT today to support our feline friends and show those dogs who’s boss! This group is a fun way for our cat lovers to join in on the spirit of Yappy Hour and make their mark on this traditionally dog-ruled event.

Whether you give $5 or $500, every penny goes toward helping our feline (and canine) friends who depend on MARL. The more you give, the more fun TEAM CAT perks you get! 

Receive a Team Cat email from the cats & kittens of MARL with stories from the shelter

Receive a Team Cat email and your name proudly displayed on the Team Cat webpage

Receive a Team Cat email, your name proudly displayed on the Team Cat webpage, and your cat’s photo featured on our Yappy Hour 2024 Team Cat webpage

Receive a Team Cat email, your name and your cat’s photo proudly displayed on the Team Cat webpage, and a personal behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter

To join TEAM CAT, just fill out the form below to make an online donation in any amount. If you prefer to make a donation over the phone, please call our office at 248-335-9290. Checks can be mailed to 790 Featherstone, Pontiac, MI 48342.

Pawsitively Yours,
The Cats and Kittens of the Michigan Animal Rescue League.

Thank You to our current TEAM CAT supporters!
Nancy Cox
Terissa Daly
Michael & Deborah Desnoyers
Lisa Drake
Kristina & Brett Ekern
Ray & Jane Flusche
Melissa Frantz
Dennys Ann Grady
Amy Gray
Jennifer Heinrich
Jen King
Patricia and Gerald Powierski
Leah Roush-DeFrank
Sheila Schneider
Arlene Sims
David Smith
Robin Wright
Tim & Jen Yang

8 x 11 in

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Introducing MARL Comfort Crew

Fireworks can be stressful on dogs and cats. This year, we implemented a new program to help the animals at MARL feel safe and secure on nights when Independence Day fireworks were expected.  Introducing The MARL Comfort... Read More